How to use your electric scooter to go on a date

Daniel Foley
Written By: Daniel Foley
Updated on: 4/23/2024
Published on: 11/20/2023

Let's face it: finding a truly novel date night idea is a bit of a quest—it's all been done before. And if you're reading this, it means you're scouring the internet in pursuit of a fresh, exciting experience for you and your special someone. Your relationship is budding, and the last thing you want is for your dates to fall into the abyss of predictability. Fear not; we're here to spark that creative flame for you.

In pursuing an extraordinary date, the key lies in thinking outside the conventional boundaries. It's about transforming ordinary events, objects, or venues into memorable experiences that resonate with uniqueness. Today, we're challenging the conventional and introducing you to a unique way of spicing up your date nights—by incorporating your trusty electric scooter.

Picture this: gliding through the city, wind tousling your hair and the hum of the electric scooter creating a soundtrack to your date. It's not just transportation; it's a ticket to an elevated experience. We're about to unfold ways to seamlessly integrate your electric scooter into your date night, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. So, grab on and enjoy the ride – both literally and figuratively.

Do you own a scooter?

Now, let's address the first pivotal question: Do you own a scooter? If you're nodding along, fantastic—you're already halfway to unlocking a new dimension of date experiences. But what if you or your partner don't own this two-wheeled delight? Not to worry. We'll delve into viable options to ensure both of you can indulge in the thrilling experience of an electric scooter date.

Purchase a scooter


If you're contemplating buying an electric scooter, the market offers a wide range of choices catering to various budgets. Expensive scooters are not something most people can afford on the spot, and while affordability is tempting, it often comes with compromises. Consider this option thoughtfully, ensuring you're making a wise investment that aligns with your budget and potential relationship longevity. Alternatively, take your time and save up for the best electric scooter for your needs; meanwhile, take advantage of any of the other options listed below.

Scooter rental

Opting for scooter rentals is a convenient alternative with relatively low costs. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that rental e-scooters endure a fair share of wear and tear. A bit of pre-date maintenance might be necessary to ensure a smooth date. Rental companies also don't provide the best electric scooters--no front and rear suspension, smaller battery, basic led display, etc. Therefore, manage your expectations on what to expect with shared scooters.

Unlock the Unagi advantage


For those without personal scooters, Unagi's subscription model presents an enticing solution. For a mere $59 per month - that's $2 per day, you gain access to a top-notch electric scooter built with premium materials like aluminum, carbon fiber, and magnesium. The subscription additionally covers maintenance, repairs, and even replacement. With Unagi, you also enjoy the perks of doorstep delivery, comprehensive insurance, and theft protection, all without the constraints of a long-term contract (which works great should you part ways).

Borrowing from a buddy—Discouraged

While it might cross your mind, borrowing scooters from friends is not the most advisable route. It might feel cheap and convenient if you have a friend(s) willing to lend you the e-scooters. However, the potential liabilities and risks to the scooter and your friendship are substantial, and it's just best to explore other avenues.

Can you ride a scooter? Beginner tips

For new scooter riders, it's vital to know that a proper stance is the cornerstone of safety, control, and confidence. Here's a short guide to achieving the ideal riding posture:

Foot placement for stability


Stand tall on the scooter, with one foot positioned in front of the other. Opt for the right foot leading, as this configuration provides optimal stability and balance. Placing your feet side-by-side may seem intuitive, but it limits your ability to shift weight effectively, which is crucial for steering, turns, and sudden maneuvers.

Maintain a relaxed knee position

Keep your knees slightly bent to maintain a relaxed stance. This enhances shock absorption and ensures better control over the e-scooter. A slight bend in the knees allows for fluid movements, contributing to a more comfortable and secure riding experience.

Grip the handlebars with ease

Hold onto the handlebars with a relaxed grip, keeping your arms slightly bent. This grip ensures better maneuverability and responsiveness to the scooter's movements. A relaxed grip also minimizes strain on your wrists and arms during extended rides.

Keep your eyes on the horizon

Look forward, not down. Maintain your gaze on the road ahead to anticipate potential obstacles and navigate challenges effectively. Keeping your eyes on the horizon enhances safety and allows you to react promptly to changing road conditions.

Body weight shifting for turns

To execute smooth turns, shift your body weight slightly to one side while keeping your upper body upright. Avoid over-tilting, as the excess rider weight on one side can compromise balance. The key is to maintain a harmonious balance between your body and the e-scooter, ensuring precision and control during turns.

Weathering the wind


Be mindful of strong winds that can affect your balance. Adjust your stance accordingly, leaning into the wind to counter its force. Maintaining a stable posture in challenging weather conditions is crucial for a safe and enjoyable ride.

Safety tips to keep in mind during your date

Safety should remain a non-negotiable priority in the pursuit of a memorable date. Whether you're a seasoned e-scooter enthusiast or just embarking on your electric journey, here are crucial safety tips to ensure a smooth and secure ride:

Safety gear


Begin with the basics: always wear certified safety gear, and the core of this ensemble is a helmet. Head injuries are often a worst-case scenario, and a well-fitted helmet can be a lifesaver in the unfortunate event of a crash. That said, don't forget your other basics: riding gloves, elbow and knee pads, wrist guards, and a reflective jacket.

Follow the rules of the road


Elevate your riding experience by adhering to traffic laws, signals, maximum speed limits, and road signs. Treat your electric scooter as you would any other vehicle, ensuring seamless integration into the urban flow.

Enhance visibility


Stand out on the streets by making yourself visible. Utilize lights, reflectors, and vibrant clothing, especially if you opt for night riding. Enhancing your visibility is a proactive step to ensure that others sharing the road are aware of your presence.

Maintain control

Keep both hands securely on the handlebars, maintaining control and steering clear of distractions. This fundamental practice is the key to an incident-free, smooth ride.

Respect fellow road users

Foster a culture of mutual respect by slowing down and yielding the right of way to pedestrians on sidewalks or bike lanes. Your e-scooter is a part of a larger urban ecosystem, and courtesy goes a long way.

Adhere to speed limits

Embrace responsible speed management. Stay within the specified max speed limit and adjust your pace according to road and weather conditions. A measured approach to speed ensures a safer and more controlled ride.

Weather awareness

Exercise caution and avoid riding in inclement weather. Slippery surfaces can pose significant hazards, and not every scooter model is built for riding in the rain. Choose clear weather for your e-scooter escapades.

Park responsibly


Extend your responsibility to the parking arena. Avoid blocking pathways or entrances; always leave your scooter in designated areas, for instance, a bike rack. Being considerate in your parking choices ensures a hassle-free experience for others sharing public spaces.

10 ideas on how to use your electric scooter to go on a date

Now that you're acquainted with your electric scooter let's see how best to execute the date.

Explore a new town


Embarking on a date to explore a nearby town with your electric scooter introduces a refreshing twist to traditional outings. No need for intricate plans; just a casual glance at the map, marking down areas that pique your interest, and you're set for an adventure.

The battery capacity and range of your electric scooter is a crucial consideration. For longer distances, contemplate loading the e-scooters into your car, driving through the initial part of the journey, finding suitable parking, and then letting your electric scooters take center stage for the rest of the tour. Otherwise, just ride the scooter to your destination if it's not too far off.

As you scoot through the town's streets, you'll be able to cover more ground than on foot while also unlocking hidden corners and charming alleys that might go unnoticed in a conventional vehicle. The electric scooter will grant you the freedom to experience the heart of the place intimately and immerse yourself in the local ambiance.

For a seamless adventure, plan strategically by charting your path ahead of time. Identify significant landmarks and notable sites on your route, ensuring that you don't miss out on the town's unique gems.

Ride to the park and set up a picnic


Grab your electric scooters and venture to a nearby park or a charming picnic site. Elevate the experience by packing essential picnic gear—toss in a cozy blanket, a portable speaker for mood-setting tunes, delectable food, and refreshments, sunscreen for those sunny moments, and perhaps a good read if literature is your preferred companion.

If you're cruising with a Razor EcoSmart Cargo or a similar model equipped with a carrier basket, count yourself lucky as you effortlessly load up your essentials. However, for those opting for the rental pathway or embracing the convenience of an Unagi subscription, a backpack becomes your trusty companion.

Sidenote: If you're curious about optimizing cargo transport on your electric scooter, we've got you covered with an insightful article on the topic. Regardless of your choice, be it a leisurely ride to a park or a picnic escapade, the open road on your electric scooter is your canvas for a date filled with simplicity, charm, and shared moments.

Photoshoot–Go viral even


Ready to make a splash on social media with your budding romance? Consider putting together a photoshoot, and why not elevate it by incorporating electric scooters into the mix? Imagine you and your partner, a dynamic duo on scooters, capturing moments that are not only postcard-worthy but envy-inducing for all who witness them. The charm of a couple on scooters is undeniable, and it's an opportunity to create shots that are not just memorable but also social media gold, which let's face it is actually currency in today's world.

Envision the allure of becoming one of those couples whose pictures light up social media feeds with an effortless blend of romance and adventure. Take it a step further by weaving your scooter-filled photoshoot into an Instagram reel or TikTok. The scooters themselves make excellent props, but if you're looking for a unique concept, why not re-enact a famous movie scene? A modern twist on the iconic Jack and Rose Titanic scene, but this time, on electric scooters perhaps?

And who knows your unique scooter-themed photoshoot might just catch fire on the internet, and before you know it, you could find yourselves with a viral moment (and maybe even an endorsement deal). So, grab your scooters, strike a pose, and get ready to share your love story with the world.

Be the attraction


Embrace the whimsical and let your inner goofiness shine—why wait for Halloween when you can make every day a dress-up adventure with your partner? Or turn it into a dare game—challenge each other to find the quirkiest, most outlandish costumes and embark on a laughter-filled ride through the streets on your electric scooters. Revel in the joy of turning heads, sparking smiles from onlookers, eliciting commentary, surprising people, and passing the idea along to fellow romantics in a rut.

This playful escapade is not just about dressing up; it invites your inner children to thrive. Shared moments of unabashed silliness and laughter have an incredible way of deepening the bond between partners. So, throw on those eccentric outfits, hit the streets, and let the world be your audience. You'll be amazed at how such shared adventures cultivate warmth, affection, and a treasure trove of unforgettable memories. After all, who said you need a special occasion to be the stars of your own whimsical show?

Pimp my ride: Scooter edition

It's time to unleash your inner artist with a playful twist on the iconic "Pimp My Ride" concept, but this time, it's all about pimping your electric scooter. While we're not suggesting a full-blown mechanical overhaul like the early 2000s MTV show, there are still plenty of creative ways to add a personal touch to your ride without voiding any warranties, especially if your e-scooter is a rental.

Grab a spray can, channel your inner graffiti artist, and give your scooter a vibrant, personalized makeover. Add stickers that resonate with your style, and consider accessorizing the handlebars with eye-catching elements. Add pompoms for flair, stick a bobblehead, or glue on your favorite superhero figurine--the options are limitless. It's a DIY project that's not only fun but also a fantastic way to showcase your creative flair.

Turn this into a sunny weekend activity with your partner, and enjoy the process of transforming your scooters into unique masterpieces. Just ensure that, if you're using a rental scooter, you're respecting the terms and conditions of the agreement. This lighthearted and artistic endeavor not only adds a splash of personality to your electric scooters but also creates a shared experience that reflects your unique style and creative synergy.

Pub crawl–but make it yours

Transform the classic pub crawl( No drinking, obviously) into a personalized adventure that reflects your unique interests and preferences. Whether you and your partner are fans of art galleries, craft shops, cozy coffee joints, pastry havens, or charming bookshops, tailor your own version of a 'pub crawl' that resonates with your shared passions.

In the spirit of spontaneity, charge up your electric scooters and set off on a thrilling race from one destination to the next. Don't map it out: pick out the next destination on the go, just like the traditional pub crawl. The electric scooters provide the perfect mode of transportation, allowing you to cover more ground and explore each venue at your own pace.

As you venture from one favorite spot to the next, consider collecting souvenirs to commemorate your unique 'pub crawl.' Whether it's a piece of art, a crafted item, a bag of freshly ground coffee, a delectable pastry, or a literary gem, these souvenirs will serve as tangible reminders of the special moments shared during your personalized adventure.

Get competitive


Elevate your date night with a dash of friendly competition by getting sporty on electric scooters. Athletic prowess is optional; what matters is the thrill of a safe and spirited race to crown the fastest duo in your partner dynamic. This activity is a delightful twist for competitive couples looking to shake up their routine and add an adrenaline-fueled element to their relationship.

To level the playing field, opt for the same model of electric scooter—perhaps the sleek and efficient Unagi Voyagers available via Unagi's subscription. Once you have your scooters, identify a safe route with minimal obstacles, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable race. And to spice things up, add a playful wager—how about the first one across the finish line gets the honor of treating the other to a delicious dinner? It's a lighthearted way to infuse some healthy competition into your date night.

Eco-shopping experience


Indulge in an eco-conscious date by embracing a unique eco-shopping experience. Instead of opting for new purchases, explore the charm of thrifting at local vintage shops, antique markets, or flea markets. This adds an element of treasure hunting to your date and promotes the idea of repurposing and reusing items, aligning with eco-friendly principles.

Take your eco-shopping adventure to the next level by visiting a local farmers market. By choosing locally sourced produce, you not only encourage sustainable farming practices but also contribute to the reduction of carbon footprints associated with long-distance transportation.

While an eco-shopping date might not seem conventionally romantic, the collective effort to do something positive for the environment can score you points for responsibility and shared values. So, grab your reusable bags, explore eco-friendly markets, and enjoy a date that brings you closer and leaves a positive impact on the planet.

Let your pet tag along


For the pet-loving couples (too soon?) out there, here's a delightful date idea: let your furry friend tag along on your electric scooter adventure. If you have a dog that's been cooped up during the week, it's time to release the leash and follow your canine companion as they lead the way on your scooter outing. Cruise at a steady pace that gives your dog a good workout without leaving you and your partner too exhausted.

For cat owners, consider investing in a portable snuggle sack. Carry your feline friend like you would a baby, assuming they're adaptable to the idea and won't resort to scratching. It's a clever and cozy way to involve your cat in the scooter adventure, allowing you to enjoy quality time together while exploring your surroundings. This pet-friendly date not only provides exercise and stimulation for your four-legged friend but also creates a unique and memorable experience for all involved.

Make it a double date


Take your fun-filled electric scooter adventures to the next level by turning them into double or even triple dates! Explore any of our suggested fun ideas with a second or third couple. And what's great is that there's no limit to how creative you can get. With Unagi's subscription model, you can easily encourage your couple friends to join you in these activities without burdening anyone financially.

Give the Unagi subscription a try for a month; if it doesn't suit your preferences, take advantage of the cancel-anytime policy. Unlike traditional rental programs that limit your access to the vehicle, Unagi's subscription model allows you to essentially own the scooter for the duration of your subscription. What's more, the Unagi scooter's condition depends on your care and maintenance practices (can't say the same about other rentals), offering a personalized and more enjoyable experience.

So, gather your couple friends, sync up your scooters, and embark on double or triple dates filled with laughter, shared moments, and the joy of exploring together.



Using electric scooters for a date night offers a unique and exciting way to break away from conventional dating routines. If you have an electric scooter, you're already set for an adventurous experience. For those without one, options like purchasing, renting, or subscribing to a service like Unagi offer flexibility.

We suggest playful and imaginative date concepts, such as scooter-themed photoshoots and dressing up in goofy costumes. We also showcase the versatility of e-scooter dates with ideas like pimping your scooter with artistic flair and customizing the classic pub crawl. At the same time, competitive couples can engage in thrilling scooter races, while pet lovers can incorporate their furry friends into the adventure.

Finally, we encourage the flexibility of doubling or tripling the fun with double or triple dates, especially given the convenience of Unagi's subscription model. Ultimately, we invite couples to embrace the extraordinary possibilities of electric scooter dates, turning ordinary moments into unforgettable adventures filled with laughter, shared moments, and the joy of exploration.

Daniel Foley
Daniel Foley

Daniel tests all the latest e-scooters and currently enjoys the Unagi Voyager as a daily driver for it's light weight, good range, and stylish look.

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